النشرة البريدية

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حين تشترك في النشرة البريدية ستصلك رسالة إلى بريدك الإلكتروني من أجل تفعيل الإشتراك في نشرتنا

الجمعة، 16 مارس 2012

Foreign investment in China down for the fourth consecutive month in February

Decreased foreign direct investment in China for the fourth consecutive month in February, after the companies cut operations spending amid the current decline in production rates and growth in China as well as European sovereign debt crisis, which has worked to create a state of stagnation in the operations of international investment.


With lower foreign direct investment in China rose 0.9 percent to 7.73 billion dollars, compared with a low earlier in the month of January by 0.3%, while the rate decreased spending outside of China during the first two months in 2012 by 0.6% to $ 17.7 billion.


The outlook for foreign investment in China is grim, with high operating costs and funding, which caused many problems for companies, and we find this clear from the comparison between current data and spending outside of China in 2011, which reached $ 116 billion, which expected her not to exceed $ 100 billion this year.
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